Liv Breads Artisan Bakery and Coffee Bar

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Natural sourdough starter, a 12-hour rise, and plenty of hydration come together to create a complex loaf. We are excited to be part of the resurgence of wholesome bread baking across the country.  In addition to whole loaves, we prepare a daily selection of pastries, healthful salads, sandwiches and soups, and coffee service featuring Counter Culture Coffee. We are inspired by our love of travel, experience working and living overseas, as well as our desire to bring beautiful, healthful, and natural, food to the area. 

bakery and retail store, downtown Millburn  - full espresso bar, online ordering, and catering

laptop policy: kindly utilize one of our shared high top tables for laptop use.

retail kiosk, The Mall at Short Hills - walkup orders

Shipping nationwide and to Canada

Sign up for our mailing list and stay in touch about holiday pre-orders, special menu items,  and other news! 

all-natural sourdoughs

Your body requires a lot of water to be healthy, and your bread does too! High hydration makes for an airy and tender interior with a caramelized, crusty exterior. That three simple ingredients - flour, water, and salt - can produce such amazing results is truly a wonder.

almond croissant

Our breads and pastry are baked daily on site in Millburn. Sourdough loaves have a cold slow rise overnight before being baked off each morning in our deck oven in our cafe and bakery on Essex Street. Pastry are hand-shaped in our workshop location, just down the street.

a sandwich cut in half

Our sandwiches, salads, and spreads are prepared daily, crafted to highlight seasonal ingredients and our exceptional breads and buns.

a hand holding a piece of food

Our ingredients are as important as our process. Free-range, organic eggs, high quality flour, butter and chocolate, and organic and local produce when possible.